Customized Reporting

Customized Reporting

Customized Reporting

All service activity reports for your jurisdiction are customization. What does this mean?  It means that the content within the:

  • Septic Service Report
  • Tank Pump Report
  • Sampling Report
  • FOG Report

Contain the checklists questions that you want.  we provide what we call a "base" set of questions to get you started, but you can edit, delete or add questions as you see fit so that they fit your jurisdictions needs.

For any given site, the questions are also based upon the technology located there.  For example, if the site contains an ATU, A Pump Tank, A Disinfection Device and a Pressure Drainfield, only those component questions will appear on the check list.  

The following illustrates the component setup page:

The components setup as shown above will result in an inspection checklist.  Here is a portion of that checklist:


Because of this precise level of reporting, your data will be specific. In time you will build up a wealth of data that can be queried and reviewed. For example, if you want to know how many of your ATU's have had a broken aerobic mechanism over the past year, you can easily run that report.