Processing an Application

Applications that are submitted in the status of:

  1. Pending
  2. Review
  3. Hold

will need to be processed prior to the customer receiving the final documents.  The following instructions detail how to process an application. 

Please Note

Your internal processes may include additional steps for processing. The following instructions only detail the basic concepts of processing an application.

Step 1: The Application is received

When an application is received, it is good practice to assign an inspector to it.  This way the customer may know who to contact for further questions.  To assign an inspector you will need to be logged into and viewing your grid. From there, you click on the assign inspector link next to the associated application:

Next select the inspector:

The customer will now receive an email stating that the application has been changed to "in review" and when they view the application they will see that the reviewer has been assigned:

Step 2: Setting application options

There are a couple of options that can be set at this point.  From the application you may:

  1. Assign the application to a property within OnlineRME
  2. Add your Assigned ID - this is so that if there is a data upload the data can be sent to the appropriate field.  For example: If you want the application data when uploaded to your local system to reside on ON1234, then enter ON1234 for the Assigned ID 

Step 3: Adding your letters/approvals

After completion of the document you may want to attach an approval letter (or permit).  To do this, create your letter in your favorite software (IE: Microsoft Word) and then convert the document to a PDF, saved locally to your computer in a location that you may find it.  Next attach the document to the application :

Complete instructions on attaching a document may be found here.


Step 4: Processing the application



Did you know?

 You can express complete an application with one click. To express complete an application click on the express complete icon:

You can also express complete an application from the manage submissions view:

The final step is to process the application.  To do this change the status of the application to "Complete" (or denied if you are denying the application)

Next, to prepare the final report, click on the icon that appears towards the top of the page to select the included attachments:

Select the attachments to include. Once completed, click the "Finished Selecting Items" button:


If you want to change the sort order of the final document you can do that next by draging the items in the page order you want:

When you are done you click the "Save Report" button and the application final documents will be created.  You will return to the applications page and a new icon  will appear that is a link to the final document:


You do not need to send the final document to the applicant. When you create the final document it is automatically emailed to the email they provided on the application.