Collecting Jurisdiction Fees
Applications typically have fees. The fee collection system is robust and allows for many scenarios. If your jurisdiction is going to collect fees, you will need to obtain an Authorize.NET merchant account.
What is Authorize.NET? Visit their page to learn more. The most important thing for you to know is that we take your merchant transaction key, and insert that into our database. When a transaction occurs for your applications, we use your key, processing the application fees for you, and then each night the fees settle to your bank account.
The fees can be setup for any application as follows:
- An application can have 1 or more Application services. Only 1 service can be selected for a given application.
- If additional services are needed to be included on an application they can be. There can be as many add on services as needed to any application.
- After the application is completed, and the fees are selected, the application will be sent to a summary payment page:
- Upon a successful payment the applicant will receive notification of a received application and a receipt for the completed transaction.
In some cases you may want a penalty applied based upon specific criteria. For example, if applications are required to be submitted within 2 weeks of an event, and submitting less than 2 weeks should generate a late fee of X% or X$'s, we can build that in as a plug-in. Please contact us for descriptive details on this process. The following illustrates and example of the late fee application: