VENIS Export
OnlineRME Help System
VENIS Export
If you work in the state of Virginia and you are reporting your inspections into OnlineRME, you can use the VENIS Export function to send your reports to VDH. This will save you time in the long run.
Here is how the process works.
- Enter your service reports into OnlineRME.
- Click on the VENIS Export link on the main menu:
- Review your reports to be sent in the grid:
- Reports that are unlocked will not be sent.
- Reports with a failure reason will not be sent.
- When you are ready to send your reports to VENIS, click the Export To VENIS button .
- You will receive an email from VENIS stating which reports were received.
- To complete the process you will need to follow the link to your VDH VENIS Shopping cart and pay the reporting fee to VDH.
, multiple selections available,