OnlineRME Help System
MRA Compliance Export.
To export the property data and identify the current status of the MRA properties within OnlineRME follow these steps:
Process One: Export Data from OnlineRME:
- Login to OnlineRME
- Select Reports:
- From the drop-down list select "Property & Last Inspection Export:
- Click the button.
- Your file will download as an .xls export.
Process Two: Working with the Data in Microsoft Excel.
- Open the previously downloaded file in Microsoft Excel.
Sort the data by column G (AssignmentArea) and column R (LastInspDate).
Depending upon the version of Excel you are using, the buttons may be found in different locations. The following is just an example, utilizing a version of Microsoft Excel.
- Locate the sort function button:
- Select custom sort:
Add 2 levels. 1st by AssignmentArea, Second by LastInspDate:
For the LastInspDate, be sure to change the Order to "Newest to Oldest". This will make it so that you can quickly select the properties that you wish to be part of your group.
- Run the filter, by clicking the
- Locate the sort function button:
- All of your data will now be sorted with the Marine Recovery Area properties at the top of the list:
- And the inspections will be sorted by most recent inspections:
- Now, to create a mailing list for the MRA of properties that are not in compliance, go to the most recent inspection date that is OK, then select the rows that you want to copy (out of compliance sites):
- Click control + C (Copy)
- Open a new spreadsheet.
- Click the top, left block in the column/row section which will automatically highlight your entire new spreadsheet:
- Click control + V (Paste)
- Your data will be copied to a clean sheet.
If you want your new sheet to have headers, copy over the first line of data from the first sheet, to the new sheet before you copy over the bulk data. To do this:
Select the first row:
Create new sheet:
Highlight the first row on the new sheet.
Click Cntrl-v:
Then copy over the data you would like to use in your mail merge.
With this new export you can now create a mail merge document in Word. Note - properties missing the mailing address will be excluded in the mail merge. You can verify the missing property mailing addresses within the XLS file. Also - don't forget! Your mail merge will need to point to your new sheet - not the referenced main sheet.