Manager Registration

Manager Registration

Do you want to receive applications online?  Do you want to collect your fees with the applications?  Setting up a Manager Account is the first place you'll need to start.  By following the next steps you'll complete the first step in turning your paper applications to a live interactive process.


  1. Go to www.skipthepaper.com

  2. Click on the Register link:

  3. Select Applicant Managers:

  4. Complete the registration information and click the "Register" button:

  5. You will receive an email from noreply@skipthepaper.com with your user name and password.  Follow the instructions to setup your account.

  6. What is next?

    1. Update your password

    2. Update your security question

    3. Add additional members

    4. Contact us to create your first application/form


If you intend on collecting your fees online via credit card processing you will need to contact us to discuss the fee collection options.