Update Septic Inspection & Pumping Questions
OnlineRME Help System
Update Septic Inspection & Pumping Questions
The septic inspection report and pumping questions are entity specific. This means that each entity can have their questions customized for their needs. There are a few rules however. The following rules apply:
- For consistency, questions should be formulated to be positive. For example:
Correct: Tank baffles are intact.
Incorrect: Tank baffles are not intact. - Answer types are:
- Yes/No
- Yes/No/NA
- Text
- Answers can be:
- Required
- Not Required
- Yes & No Answers can be deficient
For example - if your question states: "Tank baffles are intact" and you want "NO" to be deficient, please let us know.
To modify your questions, please contact us for your most current septic inspection report questions OR your most current septic tank pumping questions. We will send you an XLS file. Once you receive the file, please make sure to follow the next section to update the file:
- Do not delete any columns.
- To add a question to a component, simply insert a new line, add your new question and change the new line color to green:
- To remove a question, simply highlight the line in red:
- To update a question, highlight the question to be removed in red and just below it create the new question, highlighted in green:
Once you complete updating your XLS file, please forward it back to us. We will review it for rule adherence and then import it.
, multiple selections available,