Service Activity

OnlineRME Help System

Service Activity

The service activity page is intended for the Regulator to get a quick view of reports submitted.  The reports are grouped by deficient and non-deficient.  The following view is how to access and use the Service Activity Page:

  1. Click on the Service Activity menu item:
  2.  You will be directed to a page showing all non-archived activity:
  3. From this page you may:
    1. Jump to the facility page by clicking on the jump  icon.
    2. Archive the report by clicking on the archive icon.
    3. View the report by clicking on the report  icon.
    4. Filter the page for deficient or non deficient reports by changing the drop down (default view is show all):
    5. View archived records by checking the Archive Records check-box:
    6. From the archived records page you may also return a report to the active records view, by clicking on the return  icon.