Application Information

Application Information

Each Application contains specific information in its blueprint. The following identifies the fields within the Application Information section:

  1. Application Origin - This where in the world does the application belong.  In some cases it is important to know which State or County the application exists in.  Additionally the application may be state or country wide.  The most important setting for the Application Origin is the Entity or "Who does the application belong to".

  2. Application Name - This is the name of the application

  3. Application Status - The status of the application is important.  The options are:
    1. Is the application in Test Mode
    2. Is the application available to OnlineRME? (Some applications are intended to be submitted from a property residing in OnlineRME.  For example, some agencies require that a Time of Sale Inspection is only submitted from a property).
    3. Is the application Available to the public?  This is another setting for OnlineRME.  Some applications may only be submitted from a property in OnlineRME AND also may only be submitted by a logged in user of OnlineRME.

  4. Entity Logo - The entity logo is the agencies logo.  Only 1 logo may be used for all applications.  The options to show the logo are:
    1. Show on Application
    2. Show on Receipt
    3. Show on Owner's Application View
    4. Show on Customer's Application View
    5. Show on Final Report

  5. Owner Contact Email - The owner contact email is the email that is associated to the application.  Only 1 owner email may be associated to the application.  

    Why is there only one Owner Email?

    People leave, emails change. We suggest that instead of using multiple emails for all of your applications, setting up 1 master email account that you can manage. For example: applications@mydomainname.com. This way, you can setup rules designed to fit your agencies needs. 1 rule may be to send all septic applications to the septic program, and all food applications to the food program.


    Application Notifications must be turned on for you to receive emails.


  1. Application Notifications - The following application notifications will be sent to you when Application Notifications is turned on:
    1. Application received - this is sent to the Application Owner Email.

  2. End of Application text - You know those long "read me" sections before a submit button?  Well that is the end of application text.  Your application can be built to include an end of application text.

  3. Application Status upon Submission - Applications have many needs, including the possible need for review.  All application blueprints have an application status upon submission.  The options include:
    1. Pending
    2. Review
    3. On Hold
    4. Complete

  4. Privacy Settings - When applications are associated to OnlineRME, they may be viewed through the public website search.  In these instances, there may be information that may be too personal to include for public consumption.  There are two privacy settings:
    1. Hide Contact Methods on Final Report - The final report will be produced without including any phone numbers, or emails on the application.
    2. Final Report is not Public - The final report will not be available online through OnlineRME.  The event information (the fact that the application was submitted) will be shown, but there will not be a link to the final report through OnlineRME.