Assigning Work & Status

OnlineRME Help System

Assigning Work & Status

The Work Activity section of OnlineRME allows the user to assign work to staff and/or assign a status to the activity.  

Without assigning a status to an activity, the activity will stay in view even when the activity has been resolved.  To remove the activity from the view you should move the status to completed.  If you would like to setup custom status types for your work activity, please contact support@onlinerme.com.  Here is an example custom status setup for a Jurisdiction:

To view the Work Activity and assign work or status to activities, login to your account and click on the "Work Activity" link:

Once you are directed to the Work Activity page you will be shown your default view.  You can change your default view by updating the Set Filter Preference Section

If you would like to assign work to yourself or to another person, select the name from the assigned staff drop-down list.  All active employees who have an OnlineRME account will be shown in the list. 

When you have assigned a staff person to the list, depending upon your default view, the activity may drop off of the view.  If that occures and you would like to assign the activity a status, filter the view for the staff person that was just assigned to that activity.  For example:

Once work has been assigned to a staff person, if that staff person has their preferences setup show only items assigned to them by default, they will see the new work they have received

To learn more about setting up default Work Activity Preferences, view this page.