OSS: Components & Inspection Detail Export
OnlineRME Help System
OSS: Components & Inspection Detail Export
This is a data export. The data exported comes from inspection data submitted for Septic Inspections.
All fields are optional, however based upon some selections, limits will be set on what data will be produced. For example, if you select:
You can only select OSS Inspection Report Data that is associated with the ATU. If you select any other component questions, your results will be NULL. Additionally, when you select OSS Inspection Report Data - the Start and End dates are required.
Data Provided within the Export:
Component Export Only:
- Jurisdiction ID
- Component
- Component Type
- Property Address
- City
- County
- State
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial Number
- Property Owner
- Owner Mail Address
- Owner Mail City
- Owner Mail State
- Owner Mail Zip
Component Export with Inspection Detail:
- Jurisdiction ID
- Component
- Component Type
- Property Address
- City
- County
- State
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial Number
- Question
- Answer (to Question)
- Deficient (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
- Master ID (This is the report ID)
- Inspection Date
- Lock Date
- System Status (Overall Status)
- Entity Name (Inspection Company)
- Property Owner
- Owner Mail Address
- Owner Mail City
- Owner Mail State
- Owner Mail Zip
- Component Inspection Status
, multiple selections available,