OSS: Inspection Status Export

OnlineRME Help System

OSS: Inspection Status Export

This export provides data from septic inspections.  This is  date range report.  It will produce a report that shows reports that include components with the status:

  1. Fully inspected
  2. Partially inspected
  3. Not inspected



Data can be exported to Excel, Word or Text


The data contained within the export is as follows:

  1. Jurisdiction ID
  2. Inspection Date
  3. Inspection Status
  4. Service Company
  5. Property Address
  6. City 
  7. County
  8. State
  9. Property Owner
  10. Owner Mailing Address
  11. Owner Mailing Street
  12. Owner Mailing City
  13. Owner Mailing State
  14. Owner Mailing Zip
  15. Report Link
  16. Export Start Date
  17. Export End Date