OnlineRME Help System

Billing History

All contractor account payments made by credit card may be viewed within the payment history.

To view the payment history first login to your account and then:


  1. Click on “My Account”:

  2. Click on Payment History within the menu:

  3. You will then be able to view all payments made:

    Note: Multiple, same day transactions may be seen within the Payment History if your company submits information within a county that charges fees and uses onlineRME to collect them. onlineRME and County Transactions will be shown separately within the Payment History.

  4. To view the itemized detail of the payment click on the corresponding view icon .

  5. Within the itemized report you may view all items that you were billed for:

  6. To export the itemized list select the export type and click on the export button:

    Note: You may export your list to Excel, Word and a Text Document.

  7. Within the itemized list you may view any inspection report by clicking on the associated view report icon.