Adding Comments

Comments may be added to an application by:

  1. The reviewer
  2. The applicant

This allows informative communication to be conducted and tracked for the application.  To add a comment, from the application web view click on the icon that looks like a "thought bubble"


Next enter your comments and click the Add Comment button:

Your comments will be added to the comment history line:

Finally, an email will be sent out notifying the other party that a comment has been added:

Important Notes

  1. When the reviewer adds a comment, all emails included in the application will receive email notification of the added comment.
  2. When the Applicant adds a comment the reviewer will receive an email notification of the added comment.
  3. Only the Reviewer and the Applicant may add a comment.
  4. Applications that are in the complete status may not have comments added.
  5. All comments are included on the final documents.