Refund & Change of Service
Refund & Change of Service
To refund and change the services for an application follow this process:
- Login to your application manager account.
- On the Manage Submissions grid find the application you would like to refund/change services and click on the view application icon .
- Next, click on the pencil icon
- You will be redirected to a page where you can change the service and enter the reason why the application services are being changed (Comments will be inserted into the application notes):
- The application comment history will contain the notes you made:
- The transaction will show the history of either voided or refunded (dependent upon settlement times of applications)
The customer may login to their account and view the application where they can pay the new amount due by clicking on the balance due link:
Some applications may have additional services that may be selected, or plugins with rules (for example late fees). When an applications services are changed, any rules are applied based upon the new payment date. Additionally, if there are additional services, the customer will be required to select them upon re-payment.
, multiple selections available,