Septic Inspection Reports

OnlineRME Help System

Septic Inspection Reports

The purpose of the OSS Inspections (Septic Inspection Reports) within the Work Activity is to view and respond to deficient inspection reports.  The reports are shown in the following order:

  1. Hi-priority focus 
  2. Hi-priority 
  3. Deficient reports

Reports shown on the OSS Inspection Work Activity "deficient inspections" have been previously defined by your Local Regulatory Jurisdiction and can be modified by updating settings within the Jurisdictions Deficiency List.  The reports in the Work Activity OSS Inspections, Deficient Inspections are reports that show deficiencies that have not been corrected. 

To view any of the reports click on the  icon.

 and  are report icons. When clicked they will open up the OSS Inspection Report.   The icon with the pencil  indicates that there are notes on the report to read, and the one without the pencil  has no notes to read.

Hi-Priority Focus Reports 

At times the Jurisdiction may want to turn on Hi-Priority Focus on for report questions that need to be addressed immediately.  Reports submitted with Hi-Priority Focus questions found to be deficiency, will have a purple background behind the report icon: 

Hi-Priority focus reports will be shown at the top of the Work Activity view.  A report that is identified as being both Hi-Priority Focus and Hi-Priority, will be shown with the purple background:

Hi-Priority Reports 

Most Jurisdictions use the Hi-Priority tag to identify reports that have immediate correctable actions that need review to ensure that they are corrected.   Reports submitted with Hi-Priority questions found to be deficient and not corrected, will show up at the top of the Work Activity view and will have a red background behind the report icon: 

Hi-Priority reports will be shown at the top of the Work Activity view - below any Hi-Priority Focus reports but above any deficient reports (non-hi-priority). 

Deficient Reports 

Any OSS Inspection Report that has a deficiency that has not been corrected, and is neither Hi-Priority or Hi-Priority Focus will be shown in the deficiency list, ordered by submittal date.  Those reports will have the default grid background color: 

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