Properties W/O ID

OnlineRME Help System

Properties W/O ID

If your agency is using OnlineRME to import data your internal Property ID is very important.  We use that ID number to transfer data to you, and associate it to the right place.  In some cases a property may be entered without an ID.  If you would like to see a list of all of the properties with out an ID, you can do that by going to "My Account" and choosing the Properties W/O an ID item in the menu:

Here you can either remove it from the list by clicking on the Archive link: . Or you may go to the property and enter the property id.  To enter the ID:

  1. First click on the looking glass icon .
  2. You will be directed to the associated property.  On the Property Details page you will find the ID Section.  Here is where you enter your ID Number:

    By entering the ID Number the property will be removed from the Properties W/O ID list.